

2024-09-27 23:28:16,085 - VideoTrans - INFO - 分析视频数据,用时可能较久请稍等..

2024-09-27 23:28:16,182 - VideoTrans - INFO - self.config_params={'video_info': {'video_fps': 30, 'video_codec_name': 'h264', 'audio_codec_name': 'aac', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1030, 'time': 475400, 'streams_len': 2, 'streams_audio': 1}, 'h264': True, 'cache_folder': 'H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/tmp/1 ', 'target_dir': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 ', 'detect_language': 'en', 'subtitle_language': 'chi', 'source_language_code': 'en', 'target_language_code': 'zh-cn', 'source_sub': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.srt', 'target_sub': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /zh-cn.srt', 'source_wav': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a', 'target_wav': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /zh-cn.m4a', 'novoice_mp4': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /novoice.mp4', 'targetdir_mp4': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /1 .mp4', 'instrument': None, 'vocal': None, 'shibie_audio': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /shibie.wav', 'background_music': None, 'app_mode': 'biaozhun', 'subtitle_type': 1, 'append_video': True, 'only_video': False, 'last_opendir': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January', 'cuda': True, 'line_roles': {}, 'is_separate': False, 'source_language': '英语', 'target_language': '中文简', 'translate_type': 14, 'listen_text_zh-cn': '你好啊,我亲爱的朋友,希望你的每一天都是美好愉快的!', 'listen_text_zh-tw': '你好啊,我親愛的朋友,希望你的每一天都是美好愉快的!', 'listen_text_en': 'Hello, my dear friend. I hope your every day is beautiful and enjoyable!', 'listen_text_fr': "Bonjour mon cher ami. J'espère que votre quotidien est beau et agréable !", 'listen_text_de': 'Hallo mein lieber Freund. Ich hoffe, dass Ihr Tag schön und angenehm ist!', 'listen_text_ja': 'こんにちは私の親愛なる友人。 あなたの毎日が美しく楽しいものでありますように!', 'listen_text_ko': '안녕, 내 사랑하는 친구. 당신의 매일이 아름답고 즐겁기를 바랍니다!', 'listen_text_ru': 'Привет, мой дорогой друг. Желаю, чтобы каждый твой день был прекрасен и приятен!', 'listen_text_es': 'Hola mi querido amigo. ¡Espero que cada día sea hermoso y agradable!', 'listen_text_th': 'สวัสดีเพื่อนรัก. ฉันหวังว่าทุกวันของคุณจะสวยงามและสนุกสนาน!', 'listen_text_it': 'Ciao caro amico mio. Spero che ogni tuo giorno sia bello e divertente!', 'listen_text_pt': 'Olá meu querido amigo. Espero que todos os seus dias sejam lindos e agradáveis!', 'listen_text_vi': 'Xin chào người bạn thân yêu của tôi. Tôi hy vọng mỗi ngày của bạn đều đẹp và thú vị!', 'listen_text_ar': 'مرحبا صديقي العزيز. أتمنى أن يكون كل يوم جميلاً وممتعًا!', 'listen_text_tr': 'Merhaba sevgili arkadaşım. Umarım her gününüz güzel ve keyifli geçer!', 'listen_text_hi': 'नमस्ते मेरे प्यारे दोस्त। मुझे आशा है कि आपका हर दिन सुंदर और आनंददायक हो!!', 'listen_text_hu': 'Helló kedves barátom. Remélem minden napod szép és kellemes!', 'listen_text_uk': 'Привіт, мій дорогий друже, сподіваюся, ти щодня прекрасна!', 'listen_text_id': 'Halo, temanku, semoga kamu cantik setiap hari!', 'listen_text_ms': 'Helo, sahabat saya, saya harap anda cantik setiap hari!', 'listen_text_kk': 'Сәлеметсіз бе, менің қымбатты досым, сендер күн сайын әдемісің деп үміттенемін!', 'listen_text_cs': 'Ahoj, můj drahý příteli, doufám, že jsi každý den krásná!', 'listen_text_pl': 'Witam, mój drogi przyjacielu, mam nadzieję, że jesteś piękna każdego dnia!', 'listen_text_nl': 'Hallo mijn lieve vriend, ik hoop dat elke dag goed en fijn voor je is!!', 'listen_text_sv': 'Hej min kära vän, jag hoppas att varje dag är en bra och trevlig dag för dig!', 'tts_type': 0, 'split_type': 'all', 'model_name': 'medium', 'recogn_type': 0, 'voice_autorate': True, 'voice_role': 'zh-CN-YunyangNeural', 'voice_rate': '+0%', 'video_autorate': False, 'deepl_authkey': '', 'deepl_api': '', 'deepl_gid': '', 'deeplx_address': '', 'deeplx_key': '', 'ott_address': '', 'tencent_SecretId': '', 'tencent_SecretKey': '', 'tencent_termlist': '', 'baidu_appid': '', 'baidu_miyue': '', 'chatgpt_api': '', 'chatgpt_key': '', 'chatgpt_model': 'gpt-4o-mini', 'chatgpt_template': '', 'azure_api': '', 'azure_key': '', 'azure_version': '2024-06-01', 'azure_model': 'gpt-4o', 'azure_template': '', 'gemini_key': '', 'gemini_model': 'gemini-1.5-pro', 'gemini_template': '', 'localllm_api': '', 'localllm_key': '', 'localllm_model': 'qwen:7b', 'localllm_template': '', 'zijiehuoshan_key': '', 'zijiehuoshan_model': '', 'zijiehuoshan_template': '', 'ai302_key': '', 'ai302_model': '', 'ai302_template': '', 'trans_api_url': '', 'trans_secret': '', 'coquitts_role': '', 'coquitts_key': '', 'elevenlabstts_role': ['Aria', 'Roger', 'Sarah', 'Laura', 'Charlie', 'George', 'Callum', 'River', 'Liam', 'Charlotte', 'Alice', 'Matilda', 'Will', 'Jessica', 'Eric', 'Chris', 'Brian', 'Daniel', 'Lily', 'Bill'], 'elevenlabstts_key': '', 'openaitts_api': '', 'openaitts_key': '', 'openaitts_model': 'tts-1', 'openaitts_role': 'alloy,echo,fable,onyx,nova,shimmer', 'openairecognapi_url': '', 'openairecognapi_key': '', 'openairecognapi_prompt': '', 'openairecognapi_model': 'whisper-1', 'clone_api': '', 'clone_voicelist': ['clone'], 'zh_recogn_api': '', 'recognapi_url': '', 'recognapi_key': '', 'stt_url': '', 'stt_model': 'tiny', 'ttsapi_url': '', 'ttsapi_voice_role': '', 'ttsapi_extra': 'pyvideotrans', 'ai302tts_key': '', 'ai302tts_model': '', 'ai302tts_role': 'alloy,echo,fable,onyx,nova,shimmer', 'azure_speech_region': '', 'azure_speech_key': '', 'gptsovits_url': '', 'gptsovits_role': '', 'gptsovits_isv2': False, 'gptsovits_extra': 'pyvideotrans', 'cosyvoice_url': '', 'cosyvoice_role': '', 'fishtts_url': '', 'fishtts_role': '', 'doubao_appid': '', 'doubao_access': '', 'chattts_api': '', 'proxy': None, 'volume': '0%', 'pitch': '0Hz', 'back_audio': '', 'clear_cache': False, 'is_batch': False, 'subtitles': '', 'name': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', 'dirname': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January', 'basename': '1 .mp4', 'noextname': '1 ', 'ext': 'mp4', 'uuid': '37d0d82b0822c214d6570014434ac50e'}

2024-09-27 23:28:16,182 - VideoTrans - INFO - forbid

2024-09-27 23:28:16,183 - VideoTrans - INFO - force_cpu=False,cmd=['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-an', '-c:v', 'copy', '-crf', '0', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /novoice.mp4']

2024-09-27 23:28:16,183 - VideoTrans - INFO - force_cpu=False,cmd=['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-vn', '-ac', '1', '-c:a', 'aac', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a']

2024-09-27 23:28:16,270 - VideoTrans - ERROR - cmd执行出错抛出异常force_cpu=False:cmd=['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-an', '-c:v', 'copy', '-crf', '0', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /novoice.mp4'],Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4':


    major_brand     : mp42

    minor_version   : 0

    compatible_brands: isommp42

    creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

    title           : Template

  Duration: 00:07:55.40, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 236 kb/s

  Stream #0:0[0x1](eng): Video: h264 (Baseline) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(tv, progressive), 1920x1030 [SAR 1:1 DAR 192:103], 109 kb/s, 5 fps, 5 tbr, 100k tbn (default)


      creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

      handler_name    : Mainconcept MP4 Video Media Handler

      vendor_id       : [0][0][0][0]

      encoder         : AVC Coding

  Stream #0:1[0x2](eng): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 125 kb/s (default)


      creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

      handler_name    : Mainconcept MP4 Sound Media Handler

      vendor_id       : [0][0][0][0]

[out#0/mp4 @ 000001ccd2ff4c40] Error opening output E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /novoice.mp4: No such file or directory

Error opening output file E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /novoice.mp4.

Error opening output files: No such file or directory

2024-09-27 23:28:16,270 - VideoTrans - ERROR - cmd执行出错抛出异常force_cpu=False:cmd=['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-vn', '-ac', '1', '-c:a', 'aac', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a'],Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4':


    major_brand     : mp42

    minor_version   : 0

    compatible_brands: isommp42

    creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

    title           : Template

  Duration: 00:07:55.40, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 236 kb/s

  Stream #0:0[0x1](eng): Video: h264 (Baseline) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(tv, progressive), 1920x1030 [SAR 1:1 DAR 192:103], 109 kb/s, 5 fps, 5 tbr, 100k tbn (default)


      creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

      handler_name    : Mainconcept MP4 Video Media Handler

      vendor_id       : [0][0][0][0]

      encoder         : AVC Coding

  Stream #0:1[0x2](eng): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 125 kb/s (default)


      creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

      handler_name    : Mainconcept MP4 Sound Media Handler

      vendor_id       : [0][0][0][0]

[out#0/ipod @ 0000027aabd15c40] Error opening output E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a: No such file or directory

Error opening output file E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a.

Error opening output files: No such file or directory

2024-09-27 23:28:16,270 - VideoTrans - ERROR - Command '['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-vn', '-ac', '1', '-c:a', 'aac', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a']' returned non-zero exit status 4294967294.

2024-09-27 23:28:16,270 - VideoTrans - ERROR - Uncaught exception

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "videotrans\task\main_worker.py", line 49, in run

  File "videotrans\task\main_worker.py", line 78, in _sole

  File "videotrans\task\trans_create.py", line 175, in prepare

  File "videotrans\task\trans_create.py", line 443, in _split_wav_novicemp4

  File "videotrans\util\tools.py", line 463, in split_audio_byraw

  File "videotrans\util\tools.py", line 299, in runffmpeg

  File "subprocess.py", line 524, in run

subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-vn', '-ac', '1', '-c:a', 'aac', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a']' returned non-zero exit status 4294967294.

2024-09-27 23:29:21,977 - VideoTrans - INFO - 分析视频数据,用时可能较久请稍等..

2024-09-27 23:29:22,024 - VideoTrans - INFO - self.config_params={'video_info': {'video_fps': 30, 'video_codec_name': 'h264', 'audio_codec_name': 'aac', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1030, 'time': 475400, 'streams_len': 2, 'streams_audio': 1}, 'h264': True, 'cache_folder': 'H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/tmp/1 ', 'target_dir': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 ', 'detect_language': 'en', 'subtitle_language': 'chi', 'source_language_code': 'en', 'target_language_code': 'zh-cn', 'source_sub': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.srt', 'target_sub': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /zh-cn.srt', 'source_wav': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a', 'target_wav': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /zh-cn.m4a', 'novoice_mp4': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /novoice.mp4', 'targetdir_mp4': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /1 .mp4', 'instrument': None, 'vocal': None, 'shibie_audio': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /shibie.wav', 'background_music': None, 'app_mode': 'biaozhun', 'subtitle_type': 1, 'append_video': True, 'only_video': False, 'last_opendir': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January', 'cuda': True, 'line_roles': {}, 'is_separate': False, 'source_language': '英语', 'target_language': '中文简', 'translate_type': 14, 'listen_text_zh-cn': '你好啊,我亲爱的朋友,希望你的每一天都是美好愉快的!', 'listen_text_zh-tw': '你好啊,我親愛的朋友,希望你的每一天都是美好愉快的!', 'listen_text_en': 'Hello, my dear friend. I hope your every day is beautiful and enjoyable!', 'listen_text_fr': "Bonjour mon cher ami. J'espère que votre quotidien est beau et agréable !", 'listen_text_de': 'Hallo mein lieber Freund. Ich hoffe, dass Ihr Tag schön und angenehm ist!', 'listen_text_ja': 'こんにちは私の親愛なる友人。 あなたの毎日が美しく楽しいものでありますように!', 'listen_text_ko': '안녕, 내 사랑하는 친구. 당신의 매일이 아름답고 즐겁기를 바랍니다!', 'listen_text_ru': 'Привет, мой дорогой друг. Желаю, чтобы каждый твой день был прекрасен и приятен!', 'listen_text_es': 'Hola mi querido amigo. ¡Espero que cada día sea hermoso y agradable!', 'listen_text_th': 'สวัสดีเพื่อนรัก. ฉันหวังว่าทุกวันของคุณจะสวยงามและสนุกสนาน!', 'listen_text_it': 'Ciao caro amico mio. Spero che ogni tuo giorno sia bello e divertente!', 'listen_text_pt': 'Olá meu querido amigo. Espero que todos os seus dias sejam lindos e agradáveis!', 'listen_text_vi': 'Xin chào người bạn thân yêu của tôi. Tôi hy vọng mỗi ngày của bạn đều đẹp và thú vị!', 'listen_text_ar': 'مرحبا صديقي العزيز. أتمنى أن يكون كل يوم جميلاً وممتعًا!', 'listen_text_tr': 'Merhaba sevgili arkadaşım. Umarım her gününüz güzel ve keyifli geçer!', 'listen_text_hi': 'नमस्ते मेरे प्यारे दोस्त। मुझे आशा है कि आपका हर दिन सुंदर और आनंददायक हो!!', 'listen_text_hu': 'Helló kedves barátom. Remélem minden napod szép és kellemes!', 'listen_text_uk': 'Привіт, мій дорогий друже, сподіваюся, ти щодня прекрасна!', 'listen_text_id': 'Halo, temanku, semoga kamu cantik setiap hari!', 'listen_text_ms': 'Helo, sahabat saya, saya harap anda cantik setiap hari!', 'listen_text_kk': 'Сәлеметсіз бе, менің қымбатты досым, сендер күн сайын әдемісің деп үміттенемін!', 'listen_text_cs': 'Ahoj, můj drahý příteli, doufám, že jsi každý den krásná!', 'listen_text_pl': 'Witam, mój drogi przyjacielu, mam nadzieję, że jesteś piękna każdego dnia!', 'listen_text_nl': 'Hallo mijn lieve vriend, ik hoop dat elke dag goed en fijn voor je is!!', 'listen_text_sv': 'Hej min kära vän, jag hoppas att varje dag är en bra och trevlig dag för dig!', 'tts_type': 0, 'split_type': 'all', 'model_name': 'medium', 'recogn_type': 0, 'voice_autorate': True, 'voice_role': 'zh-CN-YunyangNeural', 'voice_rate': '+0%', 'video_autorate': False, 'deepl_authkey': '', 'deepl_api': '', 'deepl_gid': '', 'deeplx_address': '', 'deeplx_key': '', 'ott_address': '', 'tencent_SecretId': '', 'tencent_SecretKey': '', 'tencent_termlist': '', 'baidu_appid': '', 'baidu_miyue': '', 'chatgpt_api': '', 'chatgpt_key': '', 'chatgpt_model': 'gpt-4o-mini', 'chatgpt_template': '', 'azure_api': '', 'azure_key': '', 'azure_version': '2024-06-01', 'azure_model': 'gpt-4o', 'azure_template': '', 'gemini_key': '', 'gemini_model': 'gemini-1.5-pro', 'gemini_template': '', 'localllm_api': '', 'localllm_key': '', 'localllm_model': 'qwen:7b', 'localllm_template': '', 'zijiehuoshan_key': '', 'zijiehuoshan_model': '', 'zijiehuoshan_template': '', 'ai302_key': '', 'ai302_model': '', 'ai302_template': '', 'trans_api_url': '', 'trans_secret': '', 'coquitts_role': '', 'coquitts_key': '', 'elevenlabstts_role': ['Aria', 'Roger', 'Sarah', 'Laura', 'Charlie', 'George', 'Callum', 'River', 'Liam', 'Charlotte', 'Alice', 'Matilda', 'Will', 'Jessica', 'Eric', 'Chris', 'Brian', 'Daniel', 'Lily', 'Bill'], 'elevenlabstts_key': '', 'openaitts_api': '', 'openaitts_key': '', 'openaitts_model': 'tts-1', 'openaitts_role': 'alloy,echo,fable,onyx,nova,shimmer', 'openairecognapi_url': '', 'openairecognapi_key': '', 'openairecognapi_prompt': '', 'openairecognapi_model': 'whisper-1', 'clone_api': '', 'clone_voicelist': ['clone'], 'zh_recogn_api': '', 'recognapi_url': '', 'recognapi_key': '', 'stt_url': '', 'stt_model': 'tiny', 'ttsapi_url': '', 'ttsapi_voice_role': '', 'ttsapi_extra': 'pyvideotrans', 'ai302tts_key': '', 'ai302tts_model': '', 'ai302tts_role': 'alloy,echo,fable,onyx,nova,shimmer', 'azure_speech_region': '', 'azure_speech_key': '', 'gptsovits_url': '', 'gptsovits_role': '', 'gptsovits_isv2': False, 'gptsovits_extra': 'pyvideotrans', 'cosyvoice_url': '', 'cosyvoice_role': '', 'fishtts_url': '', 'fishtts_role': '', 'doubao_appid': '', 'doubao_access': '', 'chattts_api': '', 'proxy': None, 'volume': '0%', 'pitch': '0Hz', 'back_audio': '', 'clear_cache': False, 'is_batch': False, 'subtitles': '', 'name': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', 'dirname': 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January', 'basename': '1 .mp4', 'noextname': '1 ', 'ext': 'mp4', 'uuid': 'dfc7155158d27f1a83e19f7c8469bea6'}

2024-09-27 23:29:22,024 - VideoTrans - INFO - forbid

2024-09-27 23:29:22,025 - VideoTrans - INFO - force_cpu=False,cmd=['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-an', '-c:v', 'copy', '-crf', '0', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /novoice.mp4']

2024-09-27 23:29:22,026 - VideoTrans - INFO - force_cpu=False,cmd=['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-vn', '-ac', '1', '-c:a', 'aac', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a']

2024-09-27 23:29:22,071 - VideoTrans - ERROR - cmd执行出错抛出异常force_cpu=False:cmd=['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-an', '-c:v', 'copy', '-crf', '0', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /novoice.mp4'],Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4':


    major_brand     : mp42

    minor_version   : 0

    compatible_brands: isommp42

    creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

    title           : Template

  Duration: 00:07:55.40, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 236 kb/s

  Stream #0:0[0x1](eng): Video: h264 (Baseline) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(tv, progressive), 1920x1030 [SAR 1:1 DAR 192:103], 109 kb/s, 5 fps, 5 tbr, 100k tbn (default)


      creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

      handler_name    : Mainconcept MP4 Video Media Handler

      vendor_id       : [0][0][0][0]

      encoder         : AVC Coding

  Stream #0:1[0x2](eng): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 125 kb/s (default)


      creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

      handler_name    : Mainconcept MP4 Sound Media Handler

      vendor_id       : [0][0][0][0]

[out#0/mp4 @ 00000226b3316000] Error opening output E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /novoice.mp4: No such file or directory

Error opening output file E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /novoice.mp4.

Error opening output files: No such file or directory

2024-09-27 23:29:22,072 - VideoTrans - ERROR - cmd执行出错抛出异常force_cpu=False:cmd=['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-vn', '-ac', '1', '-c:a', 'aac', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a'],Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4':


    major_brand     : mp42

    minor_version   : 0

    compatible_brands: isommp42

    creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

    title           : Template

  Duration: 00:07:55.40, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 236 kb/s

  Stream #0:0[0x1](eng): Video: h264 (Baseline) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(tv, progressive), 1920x1030 [SAR 1:1 DAR 192:103], 109 kb/s, 5 fps, 5 tbr, 100k tbn (default)


      creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

      handler_name    : Mainconcept MP4 Video Media Handler

      vendor_id       : [0][0][0][0]

      encoder         : AVC Coding

  Stream #0:1[0x2](eng): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 125 kb/s (default)


      creation_time   : 2022-01-18T18:34:13.000000Z

      handler_name    : Mainconcept MP4 Sound Media Handler

      vendor_id       : [0][0][0][0]

[out#0/ipod @ 0000020d6dcb8ac0] Error opening output E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a: No such file or directory

Error opening output file E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a.

Error opening output files: No such file or directory

2024-09-27 23:29:22,072 - VideoTrans - ERROR - Command '['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-vn', '-ac', '1', '-c:a', 'aac', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a']' returned non-zero exit status 4294967294.

2024-09-27 23:29:22,072 - VideoTrans - ERROR - Uncaught exception

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "videotrans\task\main_worker.py", line 49, in run

  File "videotrans\task\main_worker.py", line 78, in _sole

  File "videotrans\task\trans_create.py", line 175, in prepare

  File "videotrans\task\trans_create.py", line 443, in _split_wav_novicemp4

  File "videotrans\util\tools.py", line 463, in split_audio_byraw

  File "videotrans\util\tools.py", line 299, in runffmpeg

  File "subprocess.py", line 524, in run

subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['H:/SPFY/win-videotrans-2.62/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe', '-hide_banner', '-ignore_unknown', '-y', '-i', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4', '-vn', '-ac', '1', '-c:a', 'aac', 'E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/_video_out/1 /en.m4a']' returned non-zero exit status 4294967294.

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E:/ICT指导视频/7 2022/2022 1 January/1 .mp4

这个文件放在   E:/01/1.mp4  下

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